Why do they still want us to go to school?
I appreciate the teachers organizing activities for us, but no one (except some) is interested in the stuff they plan out for us.
I despise and loathe the art and sports activities. Ton cahaya, sketching? Basketball, football? Sorry, not my cup of tea at all.
The only thing that captures my attention are the school field trips and science activities like the recent Rocket Launching activity!
Had a lot of fun launching it, using the principle of air pressure! It's like intro for physics next year. We called it the PFSSCC rocket. Named it that because it sounded like 'pssssttt...' which would how the launching would sound (almost) xD If physics was all about rockets, I WOULD LOVE PHYSICS! Too bad we (Me, Saw, Shelly, Chong, Feli, and Phoebe) didnt win the (furthest rocket wins). We didn't even win best-decorated rocket, which was explainable :P
Check out the album.
Learned a bit of chem and physics in tuition the other day. Surprisingly, they are both quite interesting. We had to memorize around 20 of those chem names (not the periodic table) in 30 mins. I thought it was going to be impossible!
But after those 30 mins, I did it! I could remember :D I felt that sense of success and satisfaction :) Oh sweet victory!
But that was probably only the beginning and the basics.
Oh God please help me next year!
Haha, had a great convo with Sarah about the Carmenites and Sarahans. OUR countries' people! I felt like a child again. What a wonderful feeling!
I have chosen to go to sub-science! Was helping Miss Eliza sort out the forms the other day, and I saw... so many of the smart people going sub-science leh! Not good at all for me! I'll be last in class man.
Lol don't even know whether I CAN go in science class. Somehow, I feel that I won't get be getting quite good results. Maybe my PMR results are so bad, I have to go to arts class. NOOOOO! As I have said, art is not my cup of tea. If I have to suffer yet another year of P.Seni with the 'only' P,Seni teacher around *cough*pn.lilyrohayusaipol*cough*, I would much rather die. Ok maybe not die, but you get the point. And I love Science too.
It's 11:14PM, and once again, I hate school. And Saw Xue Ling, for forcing me to go tomorrow.
- Posted using iPod Touch
* Edited wit computer.
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