He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Monday, August 31, 2009

I don't know what special meaning is behind that popular phrase.
But my brother IS heavy.

Meet Christopher, the rebellious, cheeky, mischievous, chubby, annoying, 10 year old.

He has been sick these few days, vomiting and stomachache.
So he has not been able to eat anything good lately.

One day (hehe), we (family) brought our grandparents to a lovely Chinese restaurant.

He couldn't resist the temptation any longer :mBerangan:
My mother couldn't take it anymore :mHantuk:

*Nice lotus dish is served*
Chris: Can I have that?
Mom: No.
*Plain meehoon soup is served*
Mom: This is yours.
Chris: HAH?! I don't like.
Mom: You're sick, cannot eat what we eat. You can only eat the meehoon.
Chris: But I don't want!
Mom: Then don't eat!!
*Mouth-watering spicy sotong is served*
Chris: That one leh?
Dad: Of course cannot lah, it's spicy. We didn't order your share. Just eat the meehoon lah.
*Delicious ginger fish " "*
Chris: I want fish.
*Butter crab " "*
Chris: *Licking his lips, with eyes wide open*
Carmen: I know what you're thinking Kit子(we call him that). Cannot eat.
Chris: You're saying that because you can eat more mah.
Carmen: NO, it's for your own good (but partly thinking she can eat more too!)
*We all took some crab*
Chris: Can I have the crab arm? The small one?
Mom: No.
Chris: Please, I will only take the small one!
Mom: NO!
Chris: Then can I have the 'zap' (sauce)?
Mom: *ignores him*
*Minutes later*
Chris: Can have I a bit?
Mom: *continue ignoring*
*A few more minutes later*
Chris: Please lah, I want the small one only.
Grandma: Aiya nevermind lah, see him like that, give him one more lah (in Canto).
Mom: Aiya ok lah ok lah, cannot eat the sauce.
Chris: *smiles and greedily takes the crab*
*After finishing..*
Chris: Can I have one more?
Carmen: Kit子, you talk too much lah.
Chris: Next time I get well, we come here again and eat crab. Don't bring you along.
Carmen: I'm not talking to you anymore.
Dad: Don't so bad lah, bring jeh jeh lah.
Chris: Okay, but she can only eat one small crab part.
Carmen: :pandaGeli_10:
(But of course I did not stab him with a knife. I just ignored him, though I wanted to.)

Haha, so what have we learned from the conversation?

Never give up. Keep being annoying.
In the end, the other party won't be able to stand you any longer:mSurrender:

This is Christopher's secret tactic to getting what he wants. And most of the time, he succeeds.

I think now, I know where the phrase, "Oh Brother!" (used to express surprise, annoyance, or disappointment) came from.


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Edited by Carmen Chan