15 is a dangerous age.

Monday, March 2, 2009

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I don't know about you, but
Being fifteen is a bore.
Being fifteen means you're a year older than fourteens.
Being fifteen means you're gonna take PMR this year!
Being fifteen just gives you more dark circles under your eyes.
Being fifteen means everyone will be expecting good results.
Being fifteen doesn't feel like a joy ride at all.
Being fifteen makes you more emotional.
Being fifteen makes you more materialistic.
Being fifteen just makes you argue with your parents more.
Being fifteen makes you feel like bending the rules a little bit.
Being fifteen SUCKS!

OH YEAH. Glad I got that off my chest.
I feel a migraine coming (oh and that's why I didn't go to school today, people).

Oh, and I got an award!
I saw this PS challenge somewhere.. I thought like, wow, this might be fun..
And I got first place, by cropping and colouring (not your normal colouring, PS colouring) Yamapi pictures :P

Haha, don't laugh at my nickname.

My first Christian wallpaper:

Give comments?
Now playing: Jolin Tsai - Agent J
via FoxyTunes


  1. Interesting choice of image. Given that the cross signifies death. And resurrection and life have always been signified by the empty tomb.

  2. Wow, response!
    Thank you for the comment Joel!


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Edited by Carmen Chan