The snobby, flirty girl who has a huge interest in adventuring!
She likes to play the guitar too, and is on her way to become a famous musician in Sunset Valley.
This is NAAN MAMAK. (The Caucasian on the left)
She loves SimFu and often spars with her SimFu partners. That's her spar-mate, Xi Yuan from China.
Like her roommate Curry, she likes to explore tombs and complete quests!
And guess what, she has special superpowers that lets her teleport to everywhere in the Sims world! She also can kill people by chatting with them.
I was just joking.
HAHAHA, if you're not a Simmer (someone who plays Sims) then you would have known that in the picture above, Naan is growing up :P
Blackbelt in SimFu (Picture was taken when he was still blue belt, but now he's black belt!).
He's careless as well. He started a fire at the base camp in Shang Simla!
The one who dresses like Indiana Jones :P
In this picture, he is trying to gain access to the rock thingy behind the fire traps. AND HE DID IT :D
He is an expert (almost) in the art of nectar making at Champs Les Sims, France.
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