Time to update the very abandoned wish list.
- Read the bible daily *did not do it xD*
- Be more active in church *no comment!*
- Get straight As in exams *sigh*
- Get a good position in class *sigh also!*
- Find my desired 'long shirt short dress *not desired kind, but can larh :]*
- Find those nice round earrings and a pair of cross earrings *found round earrings, but don't know how to wear. haven't found cross earrings*
- Get ImageReady *seems almost impossible*
- Improve in Photoshop skills *this will require alot of help*
- Find more tutorials/brushes/textures/patterns/fonts online *will be considered achieved after having satisfied amount*
- Get a new phone *it should be much better than my current one*
- Finish downloading 30 episodes of Healing Hands III *extended...*
- Watch The Gem of Life (珠光寶氣) *shall be achieved in
- See Gigi for at least once. *at least i got her autograph xD*
Btw, changed the banner! And the song in the blog. The song's Moonlight Sonata (not Resonance xD!) by Beethoven. Currently learning how to play the song. Very nice :P
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