TV-watching marathon today! :P

Friday, October 15, 2010

No studying or revising tonight. I have been working my butt off this week for the exams (which the effort didn't really pay off in the end), and now it's time to relax and enjoy the free time I have tonight.

So I went all out.

I watched 6 episodes from 3 different TV shows (mostly re-watch)!!

Found them really good, so I shall share a few picspams with you guys.

Read at own risk :)

Modern Family

2x02: The Kiss

Luke: Ghost of Manny’s great grandma… If that’s really you, show yourself!
[Printer starts printing]
[Luke grabs the printed paper]
Manny: That’s her!
[Luke throws the paper away]
[Luke and Manny scream and run away]

2x03: Earthquake

This was so hilarious! I laughed my butt off! Oh Manny <3

(Photo credit: Tumblr)

MANNY: I just don’t understand this bad section of heaven. What if they send you to the wrong place? They make mistakes with paperwork sometimes! I was put in a girl’s health class last year and I had to watch a very disturbing movie.
JAY: Calm down. Instead of thinking all morning about what heaven’s gonna look like, what it’s not gonna look like, who’s where, if there even is a heaven.. Why don’t we just concentrate on this beautiful, carefree day, that’s in front of us?
MANNY: I’d rather concentrate on something you just said. There might not even be a heaven?
JAY: I don’t know!
MANNY: You seemed pretty sure of yourself this morning. So what happens after you die? There’s just nothing?
JAY: Look, you’re focusing too much on one little thing that I said. It was just a hunch, okay?
MANNY: A hunch? I’m skipping church based on a hunch?! (he hyperventilates)
JAY: All right, don’t freak out on me here, kid.
MANNY: You’re playing pretty fast and loose with my soul.
JAY: Listen. I want you to forget everything that I said, okay?
MANNY: Some things can’t be forgotten, Jay. Do you know what menstruation is? Because I do!

The Big Bang Theory

4x03: The Zazzy Substitution

Howard: Women, huh. Can’t live with them, can’t successfully refute their hypothesis.
Sheldon: Amen to that.
(Picture and quote are not connected)

Grey's Anatomy

7x04: Can't Fight Biology

This isn't funny, but it is extremely sweet.

Owen: Cristina? Cristina…?
Cristina: Welcome home! [Pops the champagne cork] It’s ours. [Pours champagne into cups] We bought it. Well, I bought it. But it’s for the both of us.
Owen: I don’t know what to say.
Cristina: Our house has a firepole in it. What else is there to say?
Owen: Y-You said this morning….
Cristina: I don’t care where we live. I really don’t, but you do. You love this place, and I love you.
[Owen swoops in and kisses her]

Sigh :) I'm loving married Cristina & Owen.

7x03: Superfreak

Okay, now this is funny. Hilarious facial expressions XD

2x03: Grilled Cheesus

This episode had a blend of everything. Humour, sadness etc..
Also loved the songs! Papa, Can You Hear Me, One of Us, I Wanna Hold Your Hand.... :)

(Picture source: Tumblr)


Kurt had a really hard time in this episode :(

(Picture source: Internet)
This is just a casual photo, not a screencap from the show. What striking similarities! :O Except for the nose. Everything else looks pretty similar.

And you can find all these in my Tumblr.


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